Aug 30, 2010

Our hearts often look for a place to settle on:
An idea to ponder
A grudge to hold
A memory to replay
A person to blame
A place to miss
An adventure to expect
Anything that holds our heart to a temporary rest.

Why, my heart has been doing some traveling lately
And I've been to all those places.
I have not found...for the lack of a better word -

Peace has a lot to do with acceptance
Knowing you can't always get what you want.
I'm so full of wants lately
And sometimes I barge my way through to get my want.
Venting out my frustration in all sort of ways.

Yet my deepest desire
The loudest pang of my heart is cruelly repressed
Looking for the right moment to cry out.

As the Rolling Stones sang
"You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometimes
Well you just might find
You get what you need."

I have all that I need.
And I'm asking that You trade my wants for my needs.
I'm asking that You show me Your providence.
And I'm asking that You take care of the rest.