Nov 6, 2010

My God is not dead, He's surely alive.

Before heading off to Passion Vancouver yesterday
I saw a rainbow for the first time in my life.
For a city girl, I've always wanted to see a real one and here it is -
Right before me, from one end to the other
Arching above my head.

And I remembered His promise -
While trying to chase it to the end.

"I have set my rainbow in the clouds,
and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth.
Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds,
I will remember my covenant between me and you
and all living creatures of every kind..."
- Genesis 9

And I wondered if God was thinking about the same thing
When he saw the rainbow.
It has been a few thousands of years...
But his word, his promises - they last for eternity.

God is good, God is so good.
When we started off our journey to Rogers Arena,
My friend and I had no idea how to get there.
But for some reason, we were able to find another group of UBC students
Randomly on the sky-train.

And we tagged along and got there just in time.
If you ask me to go there again I would not know.

There were 10,933 from all over North American last night.
And to think that God wasn't moving in this city...
To think that God is dead.

No, my God is surely alive in this city.
But I remember one thing he said last night.

Rogers Arena is located in downtown, somewhere near Chinatown.
(That's the best description I can give).
Everyone has warned me about Chinatown, East Hastings.
It's a place where heroine addict gather, where prostitution prospers.
Where hollow hearts congregated.
Where the devil is at work powerfully.
Yet, where God's grace reaches further.

And the guy was saying last night,
As the band was walking through East Hastings,
Their hearts broke.
And he wondered, would Jesus be celebrating and dancing
With ten thousand of us in the stadium
Or would he be slipping out over and over again
To see his lost sheep.
To see the brokenhearted.
To see those who desperately need him in their lives.

Hollow eyes are everywhere.
They aren't just in East Hastings.
They are at your workplace, at your schools,
Where you live.
They are at your family, your circle of friends.

God had told Abraham that he would not destroy the city of Sodom
If there were 20 people who are righteous.
"for the sake of twenty, I will not destroy it."
If ten thousand of us decide to take up His cross -
God's compassion moves through us.
His mercy will be manifested.
There would be ten thousands of empty vessels for the grace of God to flow down.

It was a cold, cold night last night.
While we were sound asleep in a room with central heating.
There are people shooting up heroine
Just a few streets down the road.
Living in a vicious cycle of hopelessness and despair.

Break my heart, for what breaks Yours.
In a city so dead, may Your Spirit breathe life.