Jan 28, 2011


Today the question to my heart was answered.
And for...not the first time in my life,
I feel a wee-bit stupid about being a human.

But I've learned that our stupidity only reflects His wisdom
As greater, as better, as...well sweeter.
For the first time listening to the words:
"You're the constant of my equation,
The never changing lover of my soul..."
I realize I am the passive receiver of this never changing love.
It is not that I will never change - although I wish that was the way I am.
But the truth is, the never changing love is more from Him to me
Than it is from me to Him.

And I needed to know this.
Because that assures me something I thought I've always knew...
that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,
neither the present nor the future, nor any powers,
neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation,
will be able to separate me from the love of God that is in Jesus Christ.

What part of nothing do you not understand?
Sometimes I think we find it so hard to believe
Because this simple truth is too good to be true.
But hey, that's as true as 2+2=4.

You can tell me the answer is 5...
But your opinion does not change the truth He has whispered into my heart.