Jun 26, 2010

There are a lot of choices we have to make in life.
In school, we decide our friends
We decide what subjects we want to take
We decide how well we do in school
After high school, we decide on what college we want to attend
We decide where to put our bed in the dorm
What time to sleep
We decide again our friends
We decide the kind of life we want to lead
The path we want to take.

But there is one thing we don't choose in life,
Our family.

As I was walking home with my parents tonight,
I realized that's one thing that doesn't change.
Sure, people change.
But who they are to me will never change
No one can take that away from me.

People come and go
People live and die.
But they will always, always be my family.

Some things never change.
Thank you God, for memories.
Because in my memory,
You'll always be young and beautiful
Strong and healthy

In my memory, you are immortal.

In fact, in my memory
Many, many things live on forever.
Looking through the pictures again
It seems like a lifetime ago that we graduated
That I was part of school...

And it's only been a week.

But June 19, 2010 lives in my memory
Each and everyone of your smiles,
The touch of inspiration you gave to my life
How can words ever describe
how much I will miss all of this?
How much I will miss all of you

The idea of belonging is so beautiful
So heartwarming.
The mundane schedule of high school seems all of the sudden -

Waiting in anticipation for lunch time
Rushing out of school
Ordering "chow ding"
Rushing back to watch the guys ball

All the familiar scenes and familiar faces
I don't want any of it to vanish.

Does keeping in touch really exist?
I'm afraid to know.

This is yet, another pensive post.