Sep 9, 2009

Trees Swaying Outside My Window

What would be better than blogging on a typhoon day home :) HAH after a morning of studying econ...I think I deserve a break. Anyway all I can say is that I'm ever so grateful for a day off during this hectic week. It's only the third week of school =.= but it feels like I've been in school for months already. I'm quite ready for a long weekend.
  • For lunch today, I re-read the Doll's House. I'm not a feminist or anything but I am liking that play to the core.
  • I'm listening to The Carpenters. (which I'm sure only my mother's generation would listen to, with the exception of Gianne of course)
  • Economics is a very interesting subject
  • I actually like the gloomy feeling of a typhoon. The wind banging on the window, the rain, everything :) Last night I had trouble sleeping with the typhoon right outside my building, so I listened to Rainy Days and Mondays. Oh, the irony.

There's a kind of hush, all over the world tonight


  1. btw, my extended break is coming to an end, I'll be leaving for Jordan in 10 days!

  2. I love the Carpenters! (I always thought my mom looked a little bit like Karen Carpenter). Along with being a great singer, she also was an excellent drummer, and she could drum and sing at the same time. There's a ton of Youtube videos with her drumming in them. Check it out sometime.
