A love song that I used to listen to back in grade 8
Before I even knew how to use Youtube.
I remember going from forum to forum searching for this song.
I realized how far we've come.
It seems like forever ago
That I first knew what love was.
It seems too long ago -
That my heart was whole and untainted.
In discovering my purpose,
In living out this life, I find myself afraid of moving forward.
What should I say?
What words can put together the condition of my heart?
But listening to this song again,
I realized what I had not known back then.
This Love that had never, ever left me all these years.
I don't know what it is about me that You love.
But somehow - You never, for a second, thought of leaving me.
You would take me in with my shame.
You don't care the kind of mess I have trailing behind me
You said You'd take all of me.
You don't care where I've been, who I've been with
To the world, I have nothing beautiful to offer to You
But You want my heart.
I'm lost with words.
At how You want to spend lifetime with me.
Why anyone would want to spend every second with me -
Remains a mystery to me.
This heart is not strong, it's porcelain.
Why anyone would bother mending this brokenness
Wiping the tears as they come -
That remains a question without answer.
Why would You give Yourself to someone so careless with herself?
You are more than my reward
More than I will ever deserve.
"See! The winter is past, the rains are over and gone.
Flowers appear on the earth, the season of singing has come,
The cooing of doves is heard in our land.
The fig tree forms its early fruit,
The blossoming vines spread their fragrance.
Arise, come, my darling,
My beautiful one, come with me."