work in you will carry it on to completion until
the day of Christ Jesus." - Philippians 1:6
As I read on about the relationship between God and Abram,
I'm almost jealous of the promises God made to him.
Imagine yourself, childless, wrinkly and old
And someone tells you you're descendants will be as great as the stars.
Not only that, but that your descendants will be slaves for 400 years
Only to return to where you are from in the 4th generations.
Hey, that also means you will have a great number of descendants.
That's not the best part, because if you read on -
God kept his promise, and they returned to the land of Canaan
In the book of Joshua.
That is plenty of books later on...
But the point is, God kept his word.
I believe many of us have stopped believing in promises.
Just because hardly anyone really keeps them nowadays.
But this covenant God made with Abram
Is a living example of faithfulness
Of a faithful God who keeps his promises.
And he will carry on the good work he began in you
Until we see him face to face.