Words are but a portion of what I feel.
Words only tell so much about me.
Who will go beneath these words
And look into my heart?
Who will pursue me
Beyond who I may seem to be?
Who will go an extra mile
To discover my dreams?
Who will make the effort
To unveil my fears?
Who will chase me
When I run away?
Who will come after me
When I try to escape?
Who will look for me
When I go into hiding?
Who will love me
And never change?
Who will stand up for me
When fingers point my way?
Who will fight for me
When attacks are directed at me?
Who will be with me
When I cry in the corner?
Who will lend me a shoulder
When my head feels too heavy?
Who will look my way
When the glamor of the world shines at its brightest?
Who will pay me any attention
When the stars sparkle at their prettiest?
Who will offer a hand
When the burden I have is even too heavy for me?
Who will stay with me
When the world sees a better companion?
Who will find me beautiful
When all I have are rags and shags?
Who will know how I feel
When words aren't enough?
When I don't find the strength to speak?
When words lose meaning
Words have lost their meaning.
Answer me, will You?
Please just look into my heart
And speak to it.
Talking has become an exhaustion.
Oh gently lay your head
Upon my chest
And I will comfort you
Like a mother while you rest
The tide can change so fast,
But I will stay
The same through the past,
The same in future, same today
Upon my chest
And I will comfort you
Like a mother while you rest
The tide can change so fast,
But I will stay
The same through the past,
The same in future, same today