Sep 3, 2010

It's 10:02

I remember Mrs. Stephens once said worship can come in many form.

For some, it's painting.
For some, it's singing.
For some, it's dancing.
For me, it's writing.

Sipping my newly favored Mocha in a downtown Tim Hortons today -
Surrounded by tables of Koreans
I found yet another paradox.

The chocolate and coffee blend
Is much like life.
There's bitter in sweetness
Sweet in bitterness.

You'd never feel as protected and as loved
As when you are alone, lost - overwhelmed.

You'd never need to follow blindly and faithfully
If you always knew where you were going.

You'd never know the need of a Savior
If you were never in a position unable to save yourself.

I'm never the person to think life is simple
But my God is not a god of complications.

I may not know which direction to go
But take my hand and show me the way home.
Carry me through, embrace me and never, ever let me go.
Drown me in Your presence.
Romance me, dance with me and sing to me.

I'm thinking that this baggage on my back is weighing me down
And it's becoming harder and harder to lift up my foot.
Why, walking has become strenuous.
And I'm tired of chasing pavements.

Strings of attachments have turned me into a puppet
And it's time to let go.

Lose what you cannot keep and keep what you can never lose.