I saw a bug on my wall today and so I turned to tell my mom to kill it. The next thing I know, it's not there anymore. It dawned on me that there is not grasping onto time. I watched Michael Jackson's "This Is It" last night and I've developed a new layer of appreciation and admiration for this man. It's funny how people would pay their way to the theatres to watch him...only after he's gone. When he's alive and well, people criticize him, say things about him - all out of spite. I've never seen so much passion, so much talent, so much dedication in anyone. Watching him on the screen puzzled me for a minute, it's almost like he never died. Some people are born for the stage - Michael Jackson is definitely one of them. I honestly don't think he's a bad person. In the things he say, the way he directs his dancers, there's humility. I can't stress on how much I think his family and the media has destorted him. Come to think of it, he's only a few days from his last concert. All the hard work and preparation never did have a chance to shed their lights. I'll never understand why he never got the chance to be on the stage in front of his fans again...and I'll never know where he is right now (someday I will) but I guess the lesson of the day is, appreciate what you have before you. Saying this almost sounds cliche. As cliche as it is, it''s true. Like that bug on my wall, I'll probably never see it again...not that I want to. But there are people who we need to appreciate before it's too late for us to.
And because I'm on this Michael Jackson craze, I've been listening to a lot of his songs. I can't deny how inspirational his songs are. There's real impact, real change he's made. He was born to be on the stage, to make a difference. There's no saying whether he died too soon or not, that's not up to us. But one thing that's up to us, is how we want to live the life we're given.
R.I.P. Michael Jackon.