Dec 18, 2009
Don't give up 'til you drink from the silver cup
Nov 21, 2009
A Rainy Ending on a Perfect Day
It's so easy to trust someone
So easy to give your heart away
Even more easier to trust the wrong person.
Forgiving has never been this difficult
Maybe all I need is time
...maybe not.
But I don't believe that this will never heal.
That's because my God is a Healer.
There's no pain He doesn't know of
No scars He hasn't seen
No tears He can't dry
No one, He can't save.
With rain comes a rainbow.
A dead flower sprouts new life
In His wounds, there is healing.
Nov 1, 2009
Gone Too Soon

Oct 7, 2009
I learned to shut my mouth and walk away
even when I have every reason NOT to.
The tongue is a powerful thing.
Everyday you see people you wish didn't exist (at least in your world)
You hear things you wish you didnt
You know things that should've remained unknown
You ask yourself, why is she like that?
Why is he like that?
Why are things this way?
Let's learn to ask ourselves...
Why am I like this.
A friend used to always say "it's all in your head"
I'm starting to see some truth in that.
If there is a will, there is a way.
I've always been told
The times you least want to pray
Are the times you most need to pray.
I'd like to say
The times you least want to love
Are the times when love is most needed.
Beneath all the superficiality
Behind all the fake smiles and shallow conversations
Underneath every fault you see
There is something beautiful waiting for a grand discovery
I remember discussing my blog name with Terence once
Beauty in ashes.
We are all nothing but ashes
Beauty isn't so easily found
But I'll look and look past the ashes
Until beauty is found
in you.
Oct 1, 2009
where is the longing?
where is the desire?
the beauty of retraining
lies in the reaping
of waiting...waiting and waiting..
patience produces perseverance
sometimes it's better to just wait
because only years of waiting can make you learn
what it means to appreciate
to adore
to love.
separation brings about suffering
but the agony builds character
if we go around looking to satisfy our desires
it will only be an endless journey
because at the deathbed of one desire
springs forth another
it all comes back to surrendering
...and obeying
"if we hold tightly to anything given to us, unwilling to let it go when the time comes to let it go or unwilling to allow it to be used as the Giver means it to be used, we stunt the growth of the soul." - Elisabeth Elliot
Sep 28, 2009
Under My Umbrella
I left school today feeling perplexed. Although the rain wasn't hard, but the walk from school to my bus stop is not so short when raindrops tap endlessly on the head. I ducked from cover to cover until I stopped right in front of Welcome. The option in taking a taxi home isn't so appealing when you can save thirty dollars. So I decided to purchase my first umbrella. I went into Welcome and approached the lady who was ever so helpful in introducing me to all kinds of umbrellas they sell. Half of them have the word Welcome on it. Not very attractive. So I took into my hand, what the lady called a pale yellow child umbrella. Ironically, it was bigger than what I need. The umbrella is also, just right for my height. I walked towards the cashier with a hundred dollar bill. Seeing the line, I had long moments of hesitation. But I guess my phone distracted me long enough. When it was my turn, the lady asked where the price tag was. Funny how the cashier was asking me that. I said I dont know. She said "That's seven ninety".
Wait what?
Seven nineth. $7.90. I paid and left.
For some reason, this umbrella gives me so much satisfaction. It's so true that the weather can affect us a great deal, as Terence said. But I also believe it depends a lot on you. As I began our first journey, I felt genuinely happy. Perhaps because that overcasting cloud over me the past few days is on its way out of my world. I don't know what it is. Sitting in my bus, I stared at that umbrella hanging next to me.
It was just a $7.90 worth of...umbrella. But I felt that it was my prized possession.
I've never owned a personal umbrella. And I realized as I am sitting in front of my computer, typing this, that the first is always the most precious, most memorable. Whatever it is, the first will always be the first. The umbrella now leans by the front door and looking at it gives such a satisfying feeling.
That feeling is so warm and safe. Now I am not a freak.
The umbrella, one way or another, will be in the hands of another person. Or perhaps blown away by a typhoon 8. But...right now it's safe and dry in my apartment. And the first will always be the first. That pale yellow just about describe everything I'm feeling right now. The weather doesn't define your feelings. You define the weather. Sometimes I hate the rain. I hate that wetness you feel in your socks. But today, sitting in my bus, the rain has become my friend.
Maybe because I have a umbrella now :)
Sep 24, 2009
Time is a magical thing...
Sep 9, 2009
Trees Swaying Outside My Window
- For lunch today, I re-read the Doll's House. I'm not a feminist or anything but I am liking that play to the core.
- I'm listening to The Carpenters. (which I'm sure only my mother's generation would listen to, with the exception of Gianne of course)
- Economics is a very interesting subject
- I actually like the gloomy feeling of a typhoon. The wind banging on the window, the rain, everything :) Last night I had trouble sleeping with the typhoon right outside my building, so I listened to Rainy Days and Mondays. Oh, the irony.
There's a kind of hush, all over the world tonight
Sep 5, 2009
*this was the version we wanted to sing you instead but I guess we were too nice :)*

Aug 24, 2009
I Feel The Fire Burning On Me
This is where I want to stay.

Hello, it wouldn't hurt to have another update at a time like this. At a time when food isn't ready. Anyway today I had a very interesting talk with mother dearest, about boys. It's almost scary what mothers can sense. "I've always knew he had something for you." or "Doesn't he like a million girls at the same time" or..."I can tell he's the emotional type" Wow, mother. I've developed a new respect for you haha :) Well, moms were young once. Anyway this would be the last update before long...full week of school starting from tomorrow :(
Aug 21, 2009
This Is For A Best Friend.

*people come and go but some will choose to stay right there in your heart*
Aug 12, 2009
If the Sun Could Have Your Lips
Aug 11, 2009
He is good, God is good.
Aug 10, 2009
Aug 9, 2009
it's a Sunday afternoon
The irony of prosperity.
Aug 7, 2009
freedom ride
I just can't stay away from blogs.
I wasn't gonna give into blogspot...but who can blame me ((: I have friends who are constantly showing me their blogs & the temptation adds on. I guess i'm the kind of person who needs a place to let my little world roam free. Well, this is as much as blogging goes tonight. Don't think i'll be sleeping in an hour or biological clock is still messed up.
It just hit me, school's in three weeks...or something like that. And two more weeks left with Miguel. Ugh. I promised I won't make it emotional. Pinky promise (:
*good night, world.
*it's love on a lifeline